Alteration Questions

I always like to give the most accurate custom quote for my clients before they even come into the studio. These SEVEN questions allow me to do so. Typically I stay true to my quotes unless there's something a bride wouldn't know to tell me or realize needs to be adjusted. Also, I will never suggest anything to be altered unless I think it is absolutely necessary and it is always left to the bride's decision.

When is your Wedding Date or the date you need it for? Ie; Destination Date of Departure

1. Knowing your wedding dates allows me to see how much time we will have to alter the dress and if I need to add the rush fee to the quote.

Do you have pictures from the website or of you at your try on?

2. Sending pictures of the dress whether you are in it from your try on or they're from the website, means I'll be able to see roughly what needs to be done with the types of fabrics and embellishments.

Need a hem? How many layers does your dress has?

3. When providing the number of layers, ensure to pull each layer apart. It's a bonus if you know that there is a Horsehair hem, lace or fabric and lining attached. (these three cost more than a regular hem)

Do you need a bustle to dance the night away?

4. Bustles are a great way to keep your dress out from others feet and allows you to dance the night away with ease. So letting me know if you'd like this service of hooking up your train is definitely something to include in your details.

If you have lace does it go into the or over the seams?

5. If your dress has lace it is great to know if it goes into the seam or not. One we have to lift and replace and the other we don't, which can really change your quote.

Is there boning, like in a corset?

6. Knowing if there is boning where we would be adjusting the sides helps with your quote as with or without has different costs.

Share any and all other details for your alteration needs.

7. Any other alterations that I did not ask about such as; adding straps, sleeves, lace, or any embellishments.

These questions are the best way to get you to that most accurate custom quote.

Our alteration services include;

💋Bridal party dresses 

💋Groom/Groomsmen Suits



And any one else in or going to  the wedding 💃🏼

We are actively booking for 2023 and into 2024 for all services go to the Contact Form link >>>here<<< to book now!💖

Your Designer,

Amanda Garrett

For all inquiries and booking for your custom designs or alterations clicking here. You can also purchase and browse our online selection on our siteInstagram, or click here for more custom accessories such as hand-crafted veils, crowns, and more!

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